This past week flew by, I knew it would. I also knew there were big changes in the future, but I chose to ignore them and pretend they would NEVER happen. I don't like change, but as I have grown up I have learned to deal with it. Chris and I have made many changes, and one that I have not regretted was moving to Salt Lake. I have had my family so close to me and I have loved it.
The chances I have had to be in familiar places with dear people that I love have made all the changes easier. But I ran into the wall of reality, and have learned for the umpteenth time that I take things for granted, when my sister and her husband decided to make the move to Chicago so he could advance in the company he works for. I was super excited for them, but super sad knowing what comes with change. They bought the house I grew up in from my parents when my parents moved into the house my dad grew up in to help take care of his parents before they passed away. When Chris and I moved to Salt Lake, we first lived with my sister and her husband. I loved it! I loved being with my sister, loved being in my favorite home, and loved that my daughter was around 2 people that I truly love and think the world of. I felt like I was living in a dream because it felt like we had our best friends around ALL the time, and it was a blast!
When Shelbi told our family about the possibility of Scott getting a job in Chicago, I was really excited for them, but at the same time I was devastated. I didn't want them to be far away, I didn't want Aniston apart from them because she absolutely adores both of them, and I knew that also meant the house that held so many of my memories from growing up would have to be sold.
This past week I have cried a river, literally. I have tried to be with my sister as much as possible, and I have tried a bit unwillingly(only because I don't want them gone) to help with the packing and loading. I have thought of all the things I should have said, things I should have done, and ways I could have been there for those 2 and haven't. I have thought of all the fun things we have done together, the memories I have in that home, and how it will never be the same. Chicago is far away, my best friend and sister won't be just a 20 minute drive away, my daughter's aunt and uncle that lights up her face when they walk through the door will now light up her face on the phone and on occasionally visits here or there. I've already started the countdown for their arrival in Salt Lake for Stefen's wedding(thanks buddy for getting married!!), only 39 days!!
I have yet to accept this change, but maybe I will in the future and maybe I won't. They left this morning, just the 2 of them, to transport their lives to a new spot. I truly from the bottom of my heart want the best for them. They are 2 great people, and great people deserve great things and I wish them nothing but greatness. I love them and I already miss them.
Monday August 23, 2010
Wednesday August 25, 2010
Tuesday I stayed home and put my house back together.
Wednesday we decided to pack in the morning, get some lunch together, and then go swimming. It took 3 attempts to find an open pool.
Wednesday night Shelbi, Mom and I went to Eat, Pray, Love together. This is one things that I will really miss because those 2 are my movie buddies! The movie was great, but being with them was better!!
Thursday and Friday we packed things up. Shelbi and I, mainly I, consumed way more caffeine than recommended to keep us going. We both commented on our attention spans; they were missing those 2 days for sure!
Saturday we went to Lagoon with Scott's family, Scott and Shelbi, and the 3 of us. It was really fun, and I hope we still see his family whenever we can, because I enjoy them! His mom was so good to make sure all the kids were always accounted for, now that's my kind of woman!!
Sunday, we partied. No pictures, just lots of great food and company! It was good to see some of the people I wouldn't get to see otherwise.
The day I dreaded all last week: Monday August 30, 2010
I love you sister, best wishes to you and your sweet hubby! I miss you already and I can't hardly wait 39 days until you're back for a short visit.